From the
dinosaur history we have many questions,I will answer the most strange:Why a
giant herbivore need asset of 1,6m claws?At 1948 in the Nemegt Formation in
southwestern Mongolia a fossil claw over
long as a human 1,8m tall.Russian paleontologist thought it was the
flipper of a giant turtle like reptile,4.5m long,but this were
wrong.1970,Anatoly Rozhdestvensky determined that this are claws from a
theropod dinosaur.But it thought that it was a dinosaur with the head and body
like a Carnosaur and a killing claw on it’s feet like Deinonychosaurs.But
finally the correct they named it Therizinosaurus,but it was carnivore?Of course
no,it have the claws for protection against predators like Tarbosaurus and
packs of Velociraptors.They live in Asia during the late Cretaceous time
period,around 83.6-65.5mya.But you probably think that creature have so big
claws,it must be a carnivore.No also can be carnivores Triceratops,killing
their prey with horns or Stegosaurus using their 1m long spikes on their tales
to kill.Therizinosaurus using them not only for protection,they have teeth of a
herbivore and claws that can devouring you,so what is that creature?A herbivore
or a carnivore,the claws are also using for drag leaves towards their
mouths.They move very slow,so they can’t chase prey.But they disappeared
65.5mya along with all the dinosaurs from the meteor strike.But 65 million
years later they will be discovered and be a mystery of vertebrate
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