Δευτέρα 17 Ιουνίου 2013


165.5mya:At the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars billions of rocks are going to the same direction,all except this one which moves at 22.000 miles per hour,he smash in another asteroid bigger than it and resulted to millions of debris,but this ruin have the ability to change history,because it head on for the 5th largest planet in the solar system,the only planet known to entertain life,planet Earth.65.5mya:The Earth now is rule by dinosaurs,the climate is wet and hotter than today.Reptiles are live everywhere,on land,in the air,and even in the oceans.It’s a paradise,but is in the brink of extinction.A quarter of a million miles up is the planet’s last hope of defense,the moon has saved the planet before,it’s full with craters made by collisions with small asteroids.But the moon isn’t at the right place at the right time,nothing can stop the asteroid now.The asteroid is 6 miles across and weight over 2 trillion tones,as it coming closer the gravity of Earth pull it and speed it from 40 to 45.000 miles per hour,the last day is here.It smash on the swallow waters of the gulf of Mexico.At impact,rocks the size of buildings exploding in the air,but what goes up,must come down.A rain of rocks is hit America and Mexico.At the other side of the planet,Mongolia is 8.000 miles from ground zero,and yet catastrophe hasn’t seen.In the time of 5 minutes,many dinosaur species are already extinct,and yet the worst hasn’t came.A fireball rises above ground zero over 100 miles up 70 billion tones of stone and Earth field the upper atmosphere with a cloud of microscopic dust and glass,and it’s spreading,fast.This is the ejectorcloud,this cloud is over 15.000 degree cloud destroy everything in it way,it hits every second more and more lighting strikes hit the surface and create fires and make the cloud,a electrical storm.The cloud riches Mongolia and superheated the ground,at 100oC C  the only hope is hiding,at 160oC the survival takes minutes,at 200oC just secononds.1 hour and 30 minutes after impact the temperature at the ground of Mongolia riches 300oC,you can’t breathe at that heat.There are a few places to stand and almost anything to eat,many species are already extinct.In Mongolia the temperatures are droping.The ejectorclud begins to clear but he done abnormalities in the weather system,in Mongolia sand storm take over action.Mongolian sand storms cover much of the continent of Asia.Across the whole planet herbivores search for food despite there isn’t,for the carnivores,life is easier because they are scavenging in carcass or hunt the existed herbivores.Deep benith the waves,the 11,1 richter earthquakes make tsunamis over 100m tall and cover 40% of land.But is something yet to come,1 million mega-tones of energy slammed in to the Earth,shockwaves create faults and pull molten rock in to the surface and created volcanic activity that took to the air poisonous gasses,the tectonic plates elsewhere from their positions and surrounding it with rain clouds,asset rain clouds until the sunlight and warmth can’t rich the planet’s surface and turn the climate more and more cold.All the dinosaurs that survived the physical catastrophes,are now enemies of them shelf’s.All around the world small pieces of dinosaurs try to start all over again,but they need population,and they don’t have it,without population they just as all species did without population,disappeared.At the end of the extinction that called K-T extinction,K-T means Creatceous-Tertiary [the next time period],70% of life on our planet perished.Dinosaurs[almost],aquatic reptiles and flying reptiles called Pterosaurs they all disappeared,but our ancestors the early mammals survived and replaced them.But dinosaurs exist as the most notorious monsters of the planet.All because they died can human being live.

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