Σάββατο 18 Οκτωβρίου 2014


Most of the people think that the first dinosaur was Eoraptor,but it’s not.Eoraptor lived 230 million years ago,18 million years before them deep in the conifer trees Euparkeria was a 60cm,5kg lizard that is an ancestor of all dinosaurs from T-rex to Diplodocus.Euparkeria fed on small insects,but lizards walk on 4 legs,Euparkeria evolved a muscle give them the ability to stand on 2 legs whenever he wants.When it’s think it’s safe it walk on 4 legs,but when hunts or be chased by something run on 2 legs.In his kingdom lived 6m long crocodilians called Chasmatosaurus and they hunt Euparkerias,but the lizards are very faster.But it’s 1 question:How this 60cm little creature can grow as much 35m in length[with Argentinosaurus]?The answer is because the CO2 levels go down after the mother of mass extinctions[the Permian one 95%of life].Also is another question:How this beasts can dominated every continent for 150 million years?The answer is very simple, because they live in the time of the supercontinent Pangea,as they move in there they go on every landmass they can found[the united continents].Euparkeria didn’t disappeared,was a creature that evolved to the first true dinosaurs like Eoraptor[S.America] and Coelophysis[N.America],this dinosaurs evolved to others until they rule every continent.In their shadow the mammals lived for long but they didn’t ruled,they just lived until the meteorite strike and march the end of the age of the dinosaurs. 

Κυριακή 12 Οκτωβρίου 2014


-530mya:In the beginning we were small fish,2-5cm long called Haikuichthys,the first vertebrate and fish.Anomalacaris is the king of the Cambrian oceans because he have eyes which help him find food,including our ancestors.They must adapted or died,evolution takes over.Over millions of years fish built on their basing design,the muscles around their back bone evolved to a powerful tale and fins appeared,they evolved a big heavy head with the first complex brains.
-418mya:In this seas many creatures would be familiar today,the Orthocone is a relative of squid and octopus but is as long as a truck.Cephalaspis are 0,5m long and weight 25kg and our ancestor they are fish and targets to many predators,like Brontoscorpio and Pterygotus,the titans of sea scorpions or Eurypterids.The Cephalaspis are easy targets so evolution start to give them weapons.After millions of years passed their gills adapt to formed the first jaws with the very first teeth,some bones in their fins expand which became the first lims,this is where our arms and legs began,with 4 legs they can go out of the water on to dry land.
-360mya:Our ancestors now are the first amphibians,Hynerpiton are 1,5m long and 50kg in weight,to live on land they evolved simple lungs.Arthropod enemies still exists but they are the food.But now the fish are our ancestor’s enemies,primitive sharks are evolving,but even sharks are prey,Hyneria weights 2 tones,is 5m long and the king of the Devonian oceans.Despite they live on land,they lay their eggs in the water because the juveniles have gills,not lungs and the eggs are soft for the tough rocks of the land,the key to their future success lies in changing their eggs.They evolved a hard egg shell which protects the young in the inside from the drying sun.
-300mya:They are the first reptiles.But as they moved on land they face other giants,more deadlier than ever before,the arthropods are back.Petrolakosaurus  is a 0,5m long lizard,our ancestor for this time,he evolved a complex heart which help him to go away from his predators,like Mesothelea spider,Arthropleura and carnivorous amphibians.Here nothing is as it seens,the 50m tall giants may look like trees,but they are actually relatives of ferns.Meganura is a monster dragonfly with a wingspan of 1m,the king of the Carboniferous skies.But troubles blowing,a mega-storm will destroy the forests that had 10% more oxygen and wiped out all the arthropod killers,the reptiles survived and evolved.A huge sail thrashes from their backs to help them cool and warm whenever they want.-280mya:But now they rule the land.Dimetrodon is a vicious carnivore.It fed on Edafosaurus,a 3,5m long,hippo size and weight around 500kg.Dimetrodon lay eggs and the females protect them,they belong to a strange type of reptiles called,mammal like reptiles and 220 million years ago they split on mammals and reptiles.But unlike their mammal descendants they live their young after hatched and ate the weak ones to help the strong and their kind to survive.And now this reptiles evolved to get and rule every continent.Their legs strengthen and lengthen,holding them more up right and giving them speed.The sail from their backs disappeared and they even start to look like mammals,to house a larger brain,their skull bones expand in to an huge head,out of their jaws thrash huge sharp teeth and their muscles get stronger.
-250mya:But after 280 million years of evolution the war it’s much more than a battle between predator and prey,the whole planet is entering a mass extinction that will wiped out 95% of life on earth,at that time our ancestors are tiny,underground,0,5m long creatures called Diictodon,they will survive the extinction by hide in their burrows and fed on plant tubes,at the outside world 5m long monsters called Gorgonopsid hunt on 5m long armor herbivores called Scutosaurus.From little Diictodon larger,stronger herbivores evolved.
-248mya:Lystrosaurus are 2m long 100kg weight beasts that are the ‘’bridge that will break’’ at mammals and reptiles.They aren’t social but in 246 million years they will be our ape-mans ancestors.If they survived they dinosaur age. 

Σάββατο 11 Οκτωβρίου 2014



65.5mya:The meteor strike the Earth but didn’t vanished all species,only 70% of them,today we will analyze the 30% that make it throw the extinction and survived.We start from the shelf-evident,our ancestors,the mammals,many of them died out in the extinction but most of them make it throw the extinction,every creature that survived must be  as much 20kg to need a little food.Our ancestors survived by hiding in their underground burrows and that shows us that theywre mostly rodents,but even right after dinosaurs they are ruled by other bigger creatures,2m tall birds that evolved from the surprising survivors,small dinosaurs like that of the picture,mostly raptors.Their hands became feathers that can’t fly,but they have deadly weapons razor sharp bikes that hit their prey with them to do to it massive damage,but suddenly they evolved to modern birds that can fly.
Our rodent ancestors throw time will demeaned this world and rule it because they have been waiting for 150 million years to come at this stage of demeaned.Rodents like Leptictidium,a 1m long creature that is protecting it’s youngs until adulthood,the first primitive horses have appeared,like Propaleoterium,a ungulate animal that fed on grapes of this tropic world,even plant life has change,where they were conifer trees are now grass and rain forests.The first primates appeared,Godinotia.The sea mammals have also been evolving,a primitive whale called Ambulocetus,it is an expert in ambush.The waters are ruled by sharks.The skies by insects for the first time in 250 million years until bats and birds evolved.This world will rule and had been rule by all types of creatures,because mother nature hasn’t exceptions.And all we know about prehistory is that no one species lasts forever.

Τετάρτη 8 Ιανουαρίου 2014


-300mya:Our lizard ancestors are evolving,a sail trashed from their backs give them the ability to cool and warm whenever they want.-280mya:The reptiles that evolved now are belong to the strangest type of animals ever existed,the mammal like reptiles,half mammal,half reptile.The first mammal like reptiles that evolved are Edafosaurus,a hippo size herbivore,they are 4m long and weight around 300kg.But they are prey,to Dimetrodon,a vicious carnivore,he evolved sharp teeth to cut the flesh of it’s prey.This is the reptilian characteristic,the mammal one is that she protect it’s eggs until hatched,then she kills the weak ones to give a chance of survived in the strong ones and her kind,she buried the eggs on a deep burrow then protect and give them the best temperature.and now they evolved to rule almost all the continents.The sail disappeared from their backs,their legs straighten and tey evolved bigger brains,but lose size.-250mya:Now 5m long carnivores with the first saber teeth rule the surface world,Gorgonopsians but our ancestors are the first creatures with ear bones,are 0,5m long and plant eaters,they called Diictodon.Scutosaurus are 4m long,they weight 1 tone and they are well armor,tis early reptiles are more closely to our ancestors,mammals than to lizards and crocodiles,they don’t have fair,but they evolved the glands that secrete their smell.But most of life will wipe out from volcanic activity in Siberia,95% of life is dead,Diictodon are the only survivors.From little Diictodon larger,stronger herbivores evolved.They rule the Earth for 70 million years,but then,they split in mammals and reptiles at the early Triassic era.They are our ancient ancestors,but what would happened if they don’t exist on the planet?